Power Digital ●

Lead - Gen ● Digital Marketing ●

Evolve into your full potential with digital marketing & growth solutions.


Project type:
Rebranding & Website Redesign

While working at:
Power Digital

About the project

Power Digital was an amazing rebranding project I was able to be part of from the beginning. We had the opportunity to collaborate with grizzly to craft a new brand identity that really spoke to Power Digital’s work and culture.

I always strive to deliver the best product I can, but with this website being our personal portfolio the pressure was on. Everything on this project had to be perfect. The previous website was doing great in search engine rankings, and I had to make sure it stayed that way. We made various structural changes which caused hundreds of urls to change, but working together with our SEO specialists we were able to make sure everything redirected properly, all metadata was brought over correctly, and most importantly our search engine rankings never tanked. Not only did they not tank, but due to the new and improved mobile experience and overall site speed we started doing better.

Another challenge with this new build was that  the previous website had existing issues with leads being lost due to issues with APIs & plugins. For this new build I had to make sure this wouldn’t no longer be an issue so I built a custom API connection straight into salesforce.

Everyone was super exited to share our new website with all of our clients and over social media.